A loss to Humanity

My social media is filled with obituaries and posts about him, that is the sign of the greatness and inspiring life he personified. If inspiration could take human form, it was him. I wish he would be here to his vision 2020 come true.

Losing it!

I mean, beauty to me, when it came to shapes and forms, has always meant either perfect symmetry or an ability to express it never had to do with size. I’ve found people beautiful despite the barriers of colours and sizes. I don’t want to intellectualise it and proceed with the dynamics of interpretation of beauty through times in context with size and colors.

Of loss and tears

Dear Reader, Sometimes, when you are happy and you think you want more, life tends to surprise you in it’s own, good bad or ugly ways. Life as we know it can be pretty weird, it’s an amusing yet a painfully delicious juxtapose at the same time! I had thought about this blog post a few…